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Full speed ahead – with the power of the sun

Januar 14, 2020
The project PolyCE calls on consumers to demand electronic and electrical products made of recycled plastic from manufacturers...

Volle Kraft voraus – mit der Kraft der Sonne

Januar 14, 2020
Das Projekt PolyCE fordert Verbraucher auf, elektronische und elektrische Produkte aus recyceltem Kunststoff von den Herstellern zu verlangen...

MGG WEEE Recycling

Dezember 19, 2018

Promote recycling, don’t stop it.

Juni 22, 2018
A new legislative proposal at EU level could make the recycling of plastics from Electronic Waste (WEEE) impossible. The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group, like the international associations EERA and EuRIC, is therefore calling for a course correction. Plastic recycling is good for people and

The Müller-Guttenbrunn Kart Trophy 2013

Oktober 07, 2013
The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group obviously always finds the best weather for the annual Kart-Trophy……and also this year, the teams faced a very hot racing ...