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„100 years – Recycling in Teamwork“

August 06, 2014
The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group celebrates that Müller-Guttenbrunn’s Metall Recycling was founded back in 1954, 60 years ago. Metran was founded in 1984. MBA Polymers 10 years ago...

Big eyes during T4T visit Müller-Guttenbrunn Group

Mai 17, 2014
Tools for Talents children visit E-Waste recycling companies of Müller-Guttenbrunn. Teaching how exiting science and technology can be is the purpose of an initiative called "T4T - Tools for talents" ...

Müller-Guttenbrunn celebrates over 200 years of loyalty

Dezember 13, 2013
Müller-Guttenbrunn celebrated 11 employees who have given their loyalty of many years to the company. The colleagues were congratulated ...

The Müller-Guttenbrunn Kart Trophy 2013

Oktober 07, 2013
The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group obviously always finds the best weather for the annual Kart-Trophy……and also this year, the teams faced a very hot racing ...

The Central- and Eastern European Archery Exercise

Oktober 06, 2013
The Management Teams of the Müller-Guttenbrunn Groups companies in Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria gathered in Austria ...