Anlässlich des 70jährigen Bestehens der Firma Müller-Guttenbrunn lud die Geschäftsführung zu einer Sondervorstellung der 35. Herbsttage Blindenmarkt...
The high-ranking delegation was in Vienna and took the opportunity to benefit from the experience of the Austrian industry in the field of metal recycling...
Die hochrangige Delegation befand sich in Wien und nutzte die Gelegenheit, von den Erfahrungen der österreichischen Industrie im Bereich Metallrecycling zu profitieren...
The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group offers recycling services for practically all metal containing durable goods, such as ELV, WEEE and other durable goods, but also for shredder residues and metal containing slags…read more
The ability of our society to function and maintain productivity will depend on the future availability of raw materials. Recycling these raw materials is becoming a key issue… read more
The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group lives environmental regulatory and non-regulatory compliance by pro-active investments in pollution prevention and active participation in professional bodies…read more