Die Kinder der Volksschule Hausmening lernten im Rahmen der Initiative T4T | tools for talents das Unternehmen Müller-Guttenbrunn und seine Aufgaben genauer kennen...
In the separately collected electrical and electronic waste equipment (WEEE) there are many types of Plastics. These plastics may contain restricted brominated flame retardants (BFRs)...
In den getrennt gesammelten Elektro- und Elektronikgeräteabfällen (WEEE) gibt es viele Arten von Kunststoff, auch jene, die bromierte Flammschutzmittel (BFRs) enthalten...
The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group offers recycling services for practically all metal containing durable goods, such as ELV, WEEE and other durable goods, but also for shredder residues and metal containing slags…read more
The ability of our society to function and maintain productivity will depend on the future availability of raw materials. Recycling these raw materials is becoming a key issue… read more
The Müller-Guttenbrunn Group lives environmental regulatory and non-regulatory compliance by pro-active investments in pollution prevention and active participation in professional bodies…read more